Ensuring that schools and libraries across the U.S. are connected to information and resources through the internet.

The need for robust technology infrastructure in K-12 education has never been more pressing.

       Are you familiar with E-Rate and Emergency Connectivity Funding (ECF)?                                       "  It's the single largest source of educational technology funding in the country            ........enabeling school districts to strech their technology budgets."

The goal of E-Rate and ECF is to help close the Homework Gap. It provides funding for schools, school districts, and library systems to help them meet the remote learning needs of students, school staff, and library patrons who otherwise lack access to a connected device or broadband connectivity sufficient to engage in remote learning.

LACompuTech will help you identify the best devices to meet your technology goals. We will provide smart, seamless, secure, and supported solutions designed for your school or library. We have worked with many E-Rate and ECF applicants in the past, offering product recommendations and compliance input to ensure our customers maximize their funding.

It’s hardware and software. It will get old. It will become outdated, kicked aside by newer, better, faster ware. It will stop working for absolutely no logical reason at all. That’s the nature of technology and while you can be proactive. Eventually the time comes to replace components or entire systems and software.

LA CompuTech is offering free consultations to help you understand your needs and identify the appropriate eligible solutions. We ‘ll provide an entire Birdseye of our team’s recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

Schools across the state of Louisiana rely on technology to deliver powerful educational experiences. Our continual expansion, as a managed services provider (MSP) for schools and educational organizations, excites us because we’re seeing those results continually, which aligns perfectly with our mission.

Schools prepare kids for college or the career of their choice. But there’s no ‘generic school. Each has a unique mission or emphasis designed to achieve that goal. Technology is critical to extend and accelerate that process, making a school’s priorities more attainable. It goes beyond students becoming ‘tech-savvy’ to deploying the optimal technologies for extending the learning experience overall.

If learners are the point, and teachers and learning professionals are the heroes, behind that reality are busy administrators working tirelessly to facilitate the educational outcome on a grand scale. Worrying about reliable technology and support for staff and students just adds to “their things to do” list. We are taking that burden off their shoulders, allowing them to focus on their priorities of academic instruction.

La CompuTech advisors are happy to provide a custom quote tailored to your needs.

  • EFC Explained...
  • E-RATE Explained...

The Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) was established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 202. La CompuTech will assist you with the purchase of connected devices (i.e., laptop and tablet computers), Wi-Fi hotspots, modems, routers, and broadband connectivity for off-campus use to serve the unmet needs of students, school staff, and library patrons during the ECF timeline.

How it Works

The Emergency Connectivity Fund Program will reimburse schools and libraries for the reasonable costs of eligible equipment and broadband connections used to help students, staff, and patrons who otherwise lack access to equipment and services necessary to engage in remote learning.

Who’s Eligible

Schools and libraries – including primary and secondary schools – that provide off-site broadband service and connected devices to students, staff, and patrons who otherwise lack access to such necessities.

What’s Covered

The ECF will reimburse reasonable costs on eligible equipment such as Wi-Fi hotspots, modems, routers, devices that combine a modem and router, connected devices, and eligible broadband connections.

E-rate is s federal discount program managed by the FCC that provides annual discounts on eligible products and services. E-rate is NOT a competitive grant; all eligible applicants can receive some funding. Each funding year runs in lock-step with school year (July 1-June 30).

Examples of Eligible Equipment

Wireless access points and controllers; Network switches; Firewalls; Routers; Racks housing eligible equipment; Cabling & wiring equipment and services; Caching (services and equipment); Licenses (must support eligible equipment); Installation, configuration, and any related training; Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections

The Process:

1. Complete Necessary Registrations...Determine Needs...Assess Eligibility
2. Request Needed Funding...Application Review ...Funding Decision
3. Reimbursement

        LA CompuTech is here to help you with all your IT Solutions, Hardware, Software Sales and Infrastructure. Our goal is to help all students in our world today receive the tools to help them achieve education they all deserve.

Maximize your share of
 funding for Fiscal Year
2022 and beyond.